Samsung’s ‘exploding’ washers raise serious questions about its quality control

Samsung, as yet recouping from the muddled review of its premium Galaxy Note 7 cell phone, has revealed that items from another real class are additionally inclined to detonating — its clothes washers.

Shoppers reported no less than six models of its top-stacking clothes washers — some of which have worked without issues for quite a long time — have been known not, turn fiercely and suspend amid the twist cycle, transforming them into hazardous shots. Samsung has set up a site for clients to check if their machines are defective, yet has not issued a formal review or discharged a full rundown of which models are influenced.

Source:- .washingtonpost

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Yahoo data breach casts ‘cloud’ over Verizon deal

Hurray on Thursday reported the biggest information break ever — influencing no less than 500 million client accounts — months after first distinguishing indications of an interruption that the organization faulted for “state-supported” programmers.

The Web mammoth approached clients to change their passwords and organization other defensive measures, yet the biggest aftermath could be for Yahoo itself. The long-wavering organization this late spring consented to offer its center business for $4.8 billion to media communications mammoth Verizon in an arrangement now obfuscated by news of the enormous rupture. Verizon said it educated of the episode just “inside the most recent two days.”



Brahamdagh Bugti to appeal for political asylum in India

Baloch Republican Party (BRP) founder Brahamdagh Bugti on Monday announced that he would appeal for a political asylum in India.

Bugti said that the decision was taken in his party’s central committee meeting.

“The meeting of our central committee ended today. And in the meeting the members of the central committee have decided with majority that I will appeal for a political asylum in India,” Bugti told ANI.

Bugti said that the he would seek an appointment with the Indian embassy in Geneva.


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Kolkata will take a century to recover from Mother Teresa

If Mother Teresa, to be canonised at the Vatican on September 4, is to be named a patron saint of anything it should be for “misinformation”. In the last 20 years of her life, truth became an unknown entity to her. The media aided and abetted her lack of integrity and in a way she cannot be blamed for believing in her own lies.

Intellect was not her strong point and, for someone like her, to be surrounded by hordes of sycophants who were telling her if she said black was white then that had to be true, it became intoxicating. The media did spread the mega-myth about her, but she herself was the source. She repeatedly told the world she went around the city 24×7 “picking up” destitute from its squalid “gutters” (she did not), that she fed up to 9,000 in her soup kitchens (she did not), she never refused a helpless child (she did as a rule), that the dying destitute in her so-called home for the dying Nirmal Hriday died a “beautiful death” (they were treated harshly and often died a miserable, painful death).

Mother Teresa was an ultimate politician who worked on behalf of the Vatican. No, she was not an “agent” as that would be conspiratorial. She did not have to do much subterfuge or skulduggery in India itself, as Indians, particularly the media, were in awe of her and connived with her.

When she said in her Nobel speech that she created 61,237 fewer children from (slum) couples abstaining from sex, no one challenged her on her bogus and fantastic figure; neither did they ask her how at the height of the Cold War abortion could be the “greatest destroyer of peace” (said a thousand times, including in her Nobel speech).

I do not blame world media as much as I blame Indian and particularly Kolkata media. Here she was, a jet-setting celebrity — although appended with the epithet “of Calcutta” — spending six to nine months in a year in Europe and the US, making strange claims about her work and about the disgusting state of the city, but never to be seen in the city’s disasters — major or minor.

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